Welcome to Your Personalized Online Health Summit Affiliate Center

Below you will find banners and copy for email and social media to assist you in promoting Your Personalized Online Health Summit!

Simply click the links to view and download your affiliate tools!

You can right-click and choose to save the Banners or Pictures as images and simply cut and paste the text right into your email program! (Please don’t forget to add your client’s name at the beginning of the emails and your own name at the end of the emails too!)

If you’d prefer to access this copy directly from a google doc, please !


And if you have any more questions, please feel free to email us here!

Banners - 30 Incredible Speakers






Banners - Myth busting!






Social Media Post Suggestion 1

FB Post 1 (Suggested date to post: Sep 28th)

Have you ever felt let down or frustrated with the information that’s out there regarding health?

Let the world’s first-ever PERSONALIZED ONLINE HEALTH SUMMIT help you navigate your way to optimal health!

Starting October 12th, 30 of the world’s most beloved and renowned scientists, physicians, thought leaders and influencers will share knowledge and insights about the new and true that leads to a healthy and happy you.


(or your hoplink as above if an affiliate)


Social Media Post Suggestion 2

FB Post 2 (Suggested date to post: Oct 3rd)

The many facets of health… all in one summit… all for you… all free! Represented by the world’s leading experts. Register here now: http://onlinehealthsummit.com and share with your friends, colleagues, and loved ones.


Social Media Post Suggestion 3

FB Post 3 (Suggested date to post: Oct 8th)

Or eat the same… or move the same… or spend time in the same environments or with the same people or doing the same kind of work…

Find out why- and how you can know what’s RIGHT FOR YOU – at YOUR PERSONALIZED ONLINE HEALTH SUMMIT, October 12th – October 24th.

All online, All Free! Register Now! 🙂



Email Sequence Copy Suggestion - Email 1

Email 1 (Suggested send Sept 27th)

Subject Option 1: INVITATION: Your Personalized Online Health Summit: Discover how to be YOUniquely healthy & happy at last!

Subject Option 2: FREE INVITATION! Improve your health and happiness with ease!


Dear [Contact first name],

The World’s first ever Personalized Online Health Summit is launching from October 12th — October 23rd and I want to make sure that you don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn about the latest and greatest in health science and practice. And the good news – it’s all completely FREE!


Why Health?

Because we know our deepest wish is just to be happy. And when you don’t have to worry about being sick or fighting disease, it’s easyto be happy. You can enjoy life more, feel less stress, look better, feel better, and be motivated to achieve all the things you’ve ever wanted to achieve…!


And why Personalized?

Because at one time or another we’ve all been heard saying “I’ve tried everything… every type of diet/nutrition regimen (high carb, low carb, no carb, high fat, low fat, eating 5 small meals a day, fasting, vegetarian, vegan, paleo, shmaleo), every type of medical treatment (traditional Western, natural, holistic, alternative, complementary), yet I’m still…”

And that’s because, as you will learn during Your Personalized Online Health Summit, every-thing is no-thing if it’s not personalized to the unique person that is YOU!

Personalized insights are helping people all over the world get healthy and stay healthy.

To help you learn how you too can get and stay healthy once and for all, 30 of the world’s most beloved and renowned scientists, physicians, thought leaders and influencers are coming together for 2 whole weeks of knowledge, inspiration, and revelation.

Click here to sign up for free, then tune in LIVE everyday at 9am, 12pm, and 4pm (PST) to ask questions and interact with the world’s leading minds in health and wellness… Bruce Lipton, Marci Shimoff, Laura Silva, John Gray, Lynika Cruz, Ben Greenfield, and many more… … all dedicated to making sure you are as informed, healthy and happy as can be.

And they’ll be covering every angle of wellness you can think of..!

  • Nutrition, exercise & sleep
  • Stress, motivation & compassion
  • Talents, flow & social healing
  • Passion, love, and relationships
  • Spirituality and consciousness
  • Mindfulness & neuropsychology
  • Ancient wisdom & functional medicine
  • Epigenetics & personalized health
  • Future health & biotechnology

… each served with a large dose of science, passion & love.

… all in one summit!

You don’t have to wait until the summit to start on your personalized path to wellness… You will receive 3 FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

Your Guidebook to Personal Health

3 Personal Health Meditations, and

Your Personalized Self-Massage e-Book

The host for these spectacular 2 weeks of health, who you’ve likely already heard of, is Matt Riemann, health scientist, clinical educator, World Congress & TED speaker, and founder of the Ultimate Human Foundation (a nonprofit organization devoted to transforming world health).

9 years ago, Matt was diagnosed with a rare neurodegenerative and autoimmune disease and today is… well, I’m sure he’ll share the rest of his amazing journey with you himself during the summit. So make sure to click here to learn more and register.


To a happy and healthy you!




P.S. Because we all know that being healthy and happy is that much more special when shared with other healthy, happy folk, please feel free to forward this email to anyone you know who can use a little help in the healthy n’ happy department.

Email Sequence Copy Suggestion - Email 2

Email 2 (Suggested send October 2nd)

Subject Option 1: Your personalized path to optimal health begins in just 10 days!

Subject Option 2:  Will YOU be 1 of 2 to get Cancer? Put a STOP to ill-health now!


Dear [Contact First Name],

Nearly 60% of people on the entire planet are suffering from pain or disease – that’s almost 4 billion people worldwide…

..and recent stats from the National Cancer Council say that 1 in 2 of us will now suffer from some form of cancer…

Shocking facts, right?

We’ve been searching for cures for years and, although we often see unexpected miracles or survival or remission, the stats are growing alarmingly..

And it’s not due to lack of trying.. many institutes, foundations and individuals around the world are dedicating their lives to researching how we are to step out of this epidemic of disease..

And we have had some success to date… but not one thing that will cure all…

…and that is simply because the missing piece has been Personalized Health care.

Your Personalized Online Health Summit is the first of it’s kind in the world – 30 of the world’s most beloved and renowned scientists, physicians, thought leaders and influencers are coming together for 2 whole weeks of knowledge, inspiration, and revelation.

To help YOU understand that you hold the key to your health. You have the power to control your own future… because we are ALL unique!

So join the conversation for your FREE 2 weeks of discussion, interaction and sharing as we disassemble to current paradigm or health and rebuild your Personalized plan to success!

You’ll be chatting with the likes of:

  • Bruce Lipton, PhD, Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award


  • Marci Shimoff, New York Times best-selling author, world-renowned transformational expert, author of Love for No Reason, Happy for No Reason, co-author of six Chicken Soup For The Soul books, and featured teacher in hit film The Secret
  • Laura Silva, President of Silva International, an organization dedicated to spreading the Silva Mind Control Method teachings, designed to elevate the creative powers of your mind by the use of visualization and imagination, positive thinking and meditation
  • John Gray, PhD, world’s leading relationship expert, author of best-selling non-fiction book of all time Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus


  • Ben Greenfield, author of the New York Times Bestseller “Beyond Training“, voted one of the top 100 most influential individuals in health and fitness in 2013 and 2014
  • And so many more..!

Covering every angle of wellness you can think of..!

  • Nutrition, exercise & sleep
  • Stress, motivation & compassion
  • Talents, flow & social healing
  • Passion, love, and relationships
  • Spirituality and consciousness
  • Mindfulness & neuropsychology
  • Ancient wisdom & functional medicine
  • Epigenetics & personalized health
  • Future health & biotechnology

… each served with a large dose of science, passion & love.

… all in one summit!

You don’t even have to wait until the summit to start on your personalized path to wellness… You will receive 3 FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

Your Guidebook to Personal Health

3 Personal Health Meditations, and

Your Personalized Self-Massage e-Book


I encourage you to Register for FREE Now to step into your power as the decision maker for your own future.

To a happy and healthy you!




P.S. Because we all know that being healthy and happy is that much more special when shared with other healthy, happy folk, please feel free to forward this email to anyone you know who can use a little help in the healthy n’ happy department.

Email Sequence Copy Suggestion - Email 3

Email 3 (Suggested send Oct 9th)

Subject Option 1: 3 Days Until the Personalized Health Summit begins!

Subject Option 2: Personalized (and FREE!) Online Health Summit! 3 FREE gifts + health answers you’ve been seeking!

Subject Option 3: Last Days to Register for Your Personalized Online Health Summit!

Dear [Contact First Name],

Have you ever felt frustrated & confused about your body and keeping it healthy?

Have your relationships and work been challenged because you’re tired all the time?

Have you tried everything to get rid of your brain fog or lose weight or get your digestion working properly… with no results?

Well there is GOOD NEWS…

It’s not your fault that nothing has worked so far..!

Our current world of health uses a one-size-fits-all approach – the paleo diet, the cross fit workout, the raw food diet…

But not one of these takes into account the most important factor… YOU!

And why is that important?

Because your body is not the same as anyone else’s.

Your lifestyle is not exactly the same as anyone else’s.

How can we really expect one type or diet, or exercise, or relaxation technique to work for every body when we are all so different..?

Your body holds all the information you need to lead a happy and healthy life – you just need to get to know it a little better..! 🙂

Your Personalized Online Health Summit is all about the ways that you can get to know your body and find out why it is that we are all so different and what those differences actually are!

30 of the world’s most beloved and renowned scientists, physicians, thought leaders and influencers are coming together for 2 whole weeks of knowledge, inspiration, and revelation.

To help YOU understand that you hold the key to your health. You have the power to control your own future… because we are ALL unique!

So join the conversation for your FREE 2 weeks of discussion, interaction and sharing as we disassemble to current paradigm or health and rebuild your Personalized plan to success!

During Your Personalized Online Health Summit you will experience every angle of wellness…!

  • Nutrition, exercise & sleep
  • Stress, motivation & compassion
  • Talents, flow & social healing
  • Passion, love, and relationships
  • Spirituality and consciousness
  • Mindfulness & neuropsychology
  • Ancient wisdom & functional medicine
  • Epigenetics & personalized health
  • Future health & biotechnology

… each served with a large dose of science, passion & love.

… all in one summit!

You don’t even have to wait until the summit to start on your personalized path to wellness… You will receive 3 FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

Your Guidebook to Personal Health

3 Personal Health Meditations, and

Your Personalized Self-Massage e-Book


I encourage you to Register for FREE Now to step into your power as the decision maker for your own future.

To a happy and healthy you!




P.S. Because we all know that being healthy and happy is that much more special when shared with other healthy, happy folk, please feel free to forward this email to anyone you know who can use a little help in the healthy n’ happy department.

If you prefer to grab your copy straight from a google doc, please !